
Compare 2 Text

Compare 2 Text for macOS v1.6 Updates

Compare 2 Text App Info for macOS
Compare 2 Text v1.6 update. The following features have been added:

- Changed placeholder text for “Enter text here...” to be less of a hassle.
- Added in toolbar toggle to persist text or not during app restarts.

Compare 2 Text for macOS v1.5 Updates

The Keywords App Info for macOS
Compare 2 Text v1.5 update. Adding the following features:

-Added Comparison View, with toolbar toggle button.
-Added Inline comparison view.
-Added Side-by-Side Comparison view.
-Adjusted 'Totals' footer layout, to make it easier to distinguish between text/values.

Compare 2 Text v1.5 Updates - Side-by-Side View

Compare 2 Text v1.5 Updates - Inline View

Compare 2 Text for macOS Update v1.4

The Keywords App Info for macOS
Updated Compare 2 Text for macOS to v1.4.
-Updated Export message.
-Updated App Preview and Screenshots.

How to Compare Text in Windows

Compare 2 Text App Info for Windows

Use Compare 2 Text to perform fast comparisons between two bodies of text. See results in an easy to understand list. Use powerful filtering options to quickly focus on differences.

Compare 2 Text for Windows

How to Use Compare 2 Text for macOS

Compare 2 Text App Info for macOS

Compare 2 Text App Info for Windows
Using 'Compare 2 Text' you'll be able to automatically compare two bodies of text together and see comparison results with ease. Comparisons occur both directions, so you can see differences between the two bodies of text. Compare 2 Text is a fast and reliable app to show automatic comparison results for paragraphs of text. Compare 2 Text has easy to understand visuals that are colored in vibrant colors. Powerful filtering functions give you unparalleled capability to see fast text matching results.

Instructions for App Operation:
1.) Start up app.
2.) Enter text into the left Text pane.
3.) Enter text into the right Text pane.
4.) Select appropriate Split Type. Carriage Return works ideal for most text comparison.
5.) Click "Compare" to see text comparison results, separated by selected Split Type in a List View format.
6.) Click to select a list item row for selection.
7.) Change text font size by selecting "Font Size" in the toolbar and selecting preferred value.
8.) Filtering of list can be achieved by changing the "Filter" option in the toolbar.
9.) Right-click options for list items to "Copy" text or to "Speak" the selected text.

How To Compare Text using Compare 2 Text for iOS

Compare 2 Text for iOS

Finished development on Compare 2 Text for iOS. This app compares two paragraphs of text to each other and flags sentences containing differences.

Compare 2 Text for iOS

Compare 2 Text for macOS

I commonly needed to compare two .ini files containing configuration information for some software. I need to be able to filter non-matching text data, so I could better synchronize the configuration in the files. 'Compare 2 Text' does all that and a bit more.

Compare 2 Text for macOS