
December 2021

Keep Your Folder Open and Visible

New File Manager to optimize your workflow and work smarter not harder.

ThatDesk for macOS. Use to keep quick and easy access to chosen directories, files, and websites. With Finder, you are repeatedly opening folder locations again and again. With ThatDesk, set your directories, files, or websites and have fast access to the resources with a single click.

Checkout ThatDesk for macOS, now available via the Mac App Store.
ThatDesk Info

Xcode macOS SwiftUI High Memory Usage

I have been experiencing what I believe is an Xcode v13.1 bug. When creating an app using SwiftUI for macOS, when I copy/paste logic from another file sometimes the SourceKitService & swift-frontend processes skyrocket their memory usage (~50+GB!). The only pattern I've been able to discern is this issue seems to occur when I copy/paste a rather large chunk of code. Xcode seems to struggle processing all of the inevitable errors contained in the logic, like vars not being declared or properties not existing for variables. As of late I've been more careful with what I've been copy/pasting.