
April 2024

Updates to Media Wall Player for macOS

Media Wall Player App Info for macOS
Media Wall Player for macOS has been updated to v1.2

- Bug fixes
- Added Audio Muting

Clipboard Rules for macOS Now Available

Clipboard Rules App Info for macOS
Clipboard Rules for macOS is now available from the macOS App Store.

Extend your system clipboard's functionality by using Clipboard Rules. Setup automated functionality to complete actions, like opening a file or folder, or showing a notification. Create elaborate triggers based on clipboard's text, files, or even web URLs!

Launch app and click ? button to see help topics.
Click + button in toolbar to create a new Clipboard Item.
Double-click new Clipboard Item. Type in a Rule Name.
Set type to 'Text'. Enter a Text to look for in system clipboard. Also you can copy that text you just entered.
Choose an action. Open File is an easy one, check the Open File checkbox, click File icon to right. Browse to a file and click Open.
Click Save button to close editor.
Check the circle icon to Enable Rule. If you had copied the Clipboard Text from editor, the Rule should fire and open your file.
Rules will only fire once per match, the row will appear Dimmed until the system clipboard changing to something else.
If the system clipboard again gets update to your Rule's Clipboard Text field text, the Open File action will fire again.

Compare 2 Folder for macOS v1.2 Now Available

Compare 2 Folder App Store for macOS
Compare 2 Folder for macOS has been updated to v1.2.

v1.2 Changes:
- Added Cancel operation button. Option key.
- Added Toggle to Compare on Startup.
- Added Cleanup of Bookmarks (internal code)
- Added Menu option to change Date/Time format to European standard.
- Updated App Icon to Mojave styling.

Updates to Ace - Jump Lists and Static Copy

I added window relocation on startup if app window is detected off screen.

A common problem amongst Windows' apps, if an app window is on a secondary monitor and that monitor is disconnected. Subsequent launches of the app may result in app window showing up off screen.

To manually move an app window that is stuck off screen, hover above the taskbar app preview, then right-click the preview, choose move, tap the arrow key (it locks the window to the mouse cursor), then move the mouse to within view.