Find & Browse Images - Image Finder Browser App

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Image Finder Browser for Windows

Image Finder Browser is a great way to find images on your computer. Easily set directories to focus on and quickly explore images under folders or even under sub-folders. Image Finder Browser includes a fast filter function, so you can find what you need as soon as possible.

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Image Finder Browser for Windows 10

Beautiful View

Image Finder Browser sports a modern app design with a beautiful UI. An expansive layout allows for easier use and visibility.

Powerful Filtering

A state of the art Advanced Collection View list hosts images which allows for fast and efficient filtering, even through a lot of images!

Image Finder Browser for Windows 10

Image Finder Browser for Windows 10

Take a Zoom

Easy zoom controls triggered through mouse wheel provides an excellent zoom function, so you can get really close to objects.

A lot of Function

Built-in right-click functionality provides several options for additional features.

Image Finder Browser for Windows 10

Image Finder Browser for Windows 10

True Navigation

Quickly organize directories into a sleek navigation view. Any navigation item can be easily edited to customize your experience, including a deep-dive into sub-folders.