Copy Speech Using Voice to Clipboard for macOS

Voice to Clipboard App Icon

Copy Speech

Voice to Clipboard for macOS

Automatically transfer spoken words to your system's clipboard using Voice to Clipboard! Simply click the record button (or use Spacebar) to start an audio recording. Speak clearly into microphone what words you want to appear on the clipboard. When complete, click the microphone icon again to stop the recording. The recorded audio is translated into text and then automatically copied to the system's clipboard, ready for pasting in any application.

Voice to Clipboard App Info for macOS Voice to Clipboard App Help for macOS

Voice to Clipboard for macOS

Recording Voice

Click the microphone or press the Spacebar to start recording voice.

Stop Recording

Click the microphone or press the Spacebar to stop recording voice.

Voice to Clipboard for macOS

Voice to Clipboard for macOS

Voice Translation

Recorded voice is converted from audio to text.


Translated text is automatically copied to the system clipboard.

Voice to Clipboard for macOS

Voice to Clipboard for macOS


All previous converted text entries are listed under the History tab. Various functions like Copy and Speak are available for use.