How To Copy Speech
Voice to Clipboard for macOS
Automatically transfer spoken words to your system's clipboard using Voice to Clipboard! Simply click the record button (or use Spacebar) to start an audio recording. Speak clearly into microphone what words you want to appear on the clipboard. When complete, click the microphone icon again to stop the recording. The recorded audio is translated into text and then automatically copied to the system's clipboard, ready for pasting in any application.

Instructions for App Operation:
- Launch app.
- Accept audio & microphone privacy prompts.
- Click the green microphone icon to start a recording. Can also use shortcut Spacebar.
- Speak clearly into microphone to record spoken words.
- Click red microphone icon to stop the recording. Audio is translated into text and copied to the clipboard.
- Text that was copied to clipboard also appears for display. Use the provided "Test Paste" field if you need to test the paste operation.
- Use "History" tab to see a list of current and previous translated texts.
- You can right-click history items to "Copy" text.
- There is also a right-click "Speak" function which will re the text aloud.
- There is a right-click option to delete text.
- Use Delete All button to remove all histories.
- Use Export button to export histories to a text-based file. Includes history date & history text.