Drive Thru Zombies for iOS
The world has been overrun by zombies. Drive your car and run over as many zombies as possible. Watch out for the bombs lurking amongst the terrain though!

SCON for iOS
SCON is a hybrid action/maze video game; the player controls SCON through an enclosed arena. Smash the floor to break through to the next level.

Tanik for iOS
Tanik is an action game where you control a ninja. Kick and punch the approaching ninjas to keep the center platform clear. Progressive difficulty makes this a challenging game to master. Strategically tap to ensure no inbound ninjas end your game!

Sprack for iOS
Put the circles in the goals! Use the green player object to bounce the red and blue circles into their appropriately colored goals. High score gets tracked through Game Center. Avoid pushing circles into wrong colored goals, as this charges back up the circle and reduces player health! Reducing a circle's health to 0% will increase player health and advance your score!

Color Smack for iOS
Strategy puzzle inspired game. Spin the center colors and deflect the incoming circle shapes. If one reaches the center, it's game over! Hit the wrong colored shape with the center object and that piece is removed - only way to get it back is to successfully deflect another incoming circle. Continued deflection of inbound circles raises difficulty by increasing speed and frequency of objects.

Atope for iOS
Journey through the vast terrain of Atope. Collect gems of various style and illumination. Watch out for the spiky obstacles though!