Automatic Website Screenshot Saving - WebCapture App

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WebCapture for Windows

WebCapture takes snapshots of a chosen website at specified intervals. Users can add multiple websites to the master list. The master list is searchable and different websites can be selected to start taking snapshots of. There is a name field where users can enter in a custom unique name and a URL field as well to specify and load the website of your choice. The snapshot interval can be adjusted 10, 60, 120 seconds, and more. Snapshots are saved to a user adjustable directory.

WebCapture App Info for Windows WebCapture App Help for Windows

WebCapture saves websites as an image.

Unique App Concept

You won't find a lot of apps that can do what WebCapture does perfectly. WebCaptures gets your website images saved quickly and efficiently.

Adjustable Capture

Easily adjust timer controls to ensure you get the desired capture interval for your website.

WebCapture capture controls adjust timer interval.