ThatStatus for Windows
Device Heartbeat Notification
ThatStatus continuously pings listed IPs or host names. It provides a pass/fail assignment based on the ping state of the device. ThatStatus also lists the ping time for the device's response time. Optionally the user can fill in the SMTP fields to allow for an e-mail response when a failed state is detected for a device. The ability to receive an audible alert is also available.
Inexpensive Option
ThatStatus provides an inexpensive option for people who need to constantly check the communication state for their devices. There is an adjustable timer for checking a devices' 'alive' status, as well as a ping result for each device.
Customize Notification
A built-in SMTP function allows the user to receive either a text or an e-mail as a notification regarding the 'failed' state of a device. There is also an 'Audble' alert checkbox which can be enabled to announce an audio prompt when a failure occurs.