Compare Text - Compare 2 Text App

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Compare 2 Text for Windows

Using 'Compare 2 Text' you'll be able to automatically compare two bodies of text together and see comparison results with ease. Comparisons occur both directions, so you can see differences between the two bodies of text. Compare 2 Text is a fast and reliable app to show automatic comparison results for paragraphs of text. Compare 2 Text has easy to understand visuals that are colored in vibrant colors. Powerful filtering functions give you unparalleled capability to see fast text matching results.

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Compare 2 Text for Windows

Text Area

Enter in first & second bodies of text to be compared. Text can be typed, pasted, or even dragged in from other sources.

Comparison Results

Results for text comparison are fast and automatic when switching to the 'Compare' tab. Easily identifiable icons show matching and non-matching text strings.

Compare 2 Text for Windows

Compare 2 Text for Windows

Split Type

There are several split type configurations that can be used. 'Carriage Return' will typically work best for most situations. 'Period + Space' can be use useful when comparing large paragraphs of text.

Font Size

There is a font size selector in the toolbar. This will change the font size of both the text data entry and the list of compared results.

Compare 2 Text for Windows

Compare 2 Text for Windows

Filter Matches

Set the Filter to show just 'Matches'. This allows for easier visibility of text that matches each other for both text fields.

Filter No Matches

Use the 'No Matches' Filter option to really leverage Compare 2 Text's brilliant text comparison functionality and just see what is different between the entered text.

Compare 2 Text for Windows