Skim Through Images using Image Slide for macOS

Image Slide App Icon

Skim Through Images

Image Slide for macOS - Info

Image Slide is a great way to skim through an array of images. Drag/drop images or use the directory picker to select a folder of images.

Image Slide App Info for macOS Image Slide for Windows Image Slide for macOS Help Button

Image Slide for macOS, Slider Control

Slider Control

Use the Slider along the bottom to drag left/right. Moving the slider will switch between images from the chosen directory.

Powerful Zoom

After zooming/panning, if you need to reset the image position, double-click the image. Keep in mind if the image is already at reset coordinates/zoom-level, double-clicking will launch the image.

Image Slide for macOS, Powerful Zoom

Image Slide for macOS, Image Launch

Navigation Buttons

Image Slide also incorporates a next & previous button, so users can click a button to switch between images. Additionally, clicking the keyboard left/right arrow keys will switch to previous/next image appropriately.