Find & Browse Audio - Audio Finder Browser Mac App

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Audio Finder Browser for macOS

Audio Finder Browser is a great way to find audio files on your computer. Easily set directories to focus on and quickly explore audio files under folders or even under sub-folders. Audio Finder Browser includes a fast filter function, so you can find what you need as soon as possible.

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Audio Finder Browser for macOS

Play Some Music

With all the essential audio playback controls, sit back and play music using Audio Finder Browser.

Easily Add Directories

Create custom organization paths to your audio content by browsing to and selecting directories. Their files will get loaded into the UI for audio playback.

Audio Finder Browser for macOS

Audio Finder Browser for macOS

Editable Navigation

Quickly edit navigation items or even enable an option called 'Include Sub-Folders'. This will load all audio files, even if they're buried in subfolders in a directory - amazing!

Embedded Open Location

A lot of built-in functionality, like the right-click option to 'Open Location', which launches Finder and selects the audio file.

Audio Finder Browser for macOS

Audio Finder Browser for macOS

QuickLook Integration

The ever popular QuickLook can be triggered by double-clicking the large preview image. QuickLook allows for great functionality and expands upon Audio Finder Browser's capability.