Zone Files for macOS
Files by Window Position
Zone Files provides window position relevant filtering for listed files & folders. This allows users to create "zones", where the Zone Files app will dynamically update and filter its list, based on its relevant window position in regards to five separate zones - upper left, upper right, bottom left, bottom right, and center. Multiple zones can also be triggered together if the window size encompasses enough monitor width & height. For example making the window fullscreen will then show all five zones' content.

How To Use Zone Files for macOS:
Files and folders can be added to a zone by first placing the window in a zone position and then dragging/dropping content to the app. Additionally using the "Edit" tab will allow users to add content to desired zone without moving the window position. Each zone has a dedicated "Add" button to add files/folders, as well as a "Clear" button to clear that zone's content. Under the List tab, there are two layouts to choose from, list-view and grid-view. In the toolbar there are also toggle buttons to turn on/off additional properties, like Path, Date, and Size. To search an active zone list's content, click the magnify button and type in appropriate file/folder name you're looking for. Zone content is dynamically updated to include matches. Additionally the search field will remain active while dragging the Zone Files app window to other zone trigger locations. Files and folders in the list have multiple right-click options, including "Pin" - which will keep the file/folder at the top and persist in the list regardless of which zone position is active. "Move to Zone" - which allows users to switch a file/folder's host zone. "Remove" - which will remove the file/folder from the app, but won't delete the content from the file system.
- Launch app.
- Add files/folders to Zone Files app.
- Option-1: Click on List tab. Position window in one of the screen corners or the center of the screen. Drag/drop content to the app.
- Option-2: Click on Edit tab. Use "Add" button in desired Zone to add Files/Folders to the app. To see newly added content, drag the app window to that zone's position (e.g. bottom right corner).
- To load the different user added content, drag the app window to zone areas (upper left/right, bottom left/right, and center). If dragging from one monitor to another, the app should be dropped, then dragged again, so the app registers the monitor change.
- hange view layout via the toolbar button to either list-view or grid-view.
- Click properties buttons (Path, Date, Size, Zone #) to show desired info.
- Double-click a file/folder to launch the content.