Always Clipboard for macOS
App Clipboard
Always Clipboard allows users to automatically copy preset text to the system clipboard when specified apps are active. A list of running apps is automatically populated. Users can select a running app and assign a single string of text to each app. When the specified app is active, the preset text is then automatically copied to the system clipboard, ready for pasting.
How To Use Always Clipboard for macOS:
- Open Always Clipboard app.
- Open desired apps, e.g. TextEdit.
- Wait for running apps to be populated on left of UI.
- Hover above desired app, click + icon button to the right of app. This adds the app to the Always Clipboard Items list.
- Locate newly added app in list. Enter desired text, that will be automatically copied to system clipboard when specified app is active.
- Click mask icon button to right of text, if text should be obscured.
- To remove an entry, click -(minus) icon button. If no text was entered, the item is just removed. If text was entered, there will be a confirmation. Hold option key while clicking to bypass confirmation.
- App items that are removed are re-added back to the running app list (if app is still running).
- Apps that have been added and are still running, their app name text appears in blue. If app is also active, text will be green. Gray text is for saved app entries, but are not currently running.
- Under the app’s “Option” menu item, there are settings for auto-erasing the clipboard automatically after x seconds are passed.
- The Option menu also contains a setting to require the “shift” key being held to copy the text to clipboard, when an app is being activated.